User guides (How to use) AFKBot - Please read before use AfkBot. AFKBot - Error and Fixed AFKBot- Register and Download AFKBot - Credit install AFKBot - Usko non-multi client login AFKBot - Usko MultiClient 8 char Example Video AFKBot - Steamko Login Single Char AFKBot - Steamko MultiClient 8 char Video AFKBot - Main Settings AFKBot - Automatic Attack AFKBot - Attack by Monster Name AFKBot - Manual Select Attack AFKBot - Archery multiple arrows combo AFKBot - Auto Box Settings AFKBot - Auto Supply Settings AFKBot - VIP bag usage AFKBot - Quest helper AFKBot - Merchant Scanner AFKBot - Automatic OTP AFKBot - Save CPU AFKBot - Genie stop issue AFKBot - Steamko -9 Error fixed AFKBot - Steamko -18 Error Fixed AFKBot - Keyboard shortcuts AFKBot - Captcha Solver AFKBot - Mage TP About AFKBot - About of upgrade bans AFKBot - Bot update